Year Groups & Staff
Year Groups
The Greetland Academy is a two-form entry school.
EYFS & Key Stage One
- Mrs Ashton, Mrs Bakes and Mrs Khan are the Reception Class teachers
- Miss Gledhill and Mrs Figura are the Year 1 teachers
- Miss Sleight and Mrs Taylor are the Year 2 teachers
Key Stage Two
- Miss Bailes, Mrs Walsh and Mrs Morgan are the Year 3 teachers
- Mrs Emmerson and Mrs Stewart are the Year 4 teachers
- Miss Hanson and Mr O’Shea are the Year 5 teachers
- Miss Wild, Mr Price and Mrs Whiteley are the Year 6 teachers
Additional Capacity:
Mrs Walker, Mrs Smelt and Mr Bade.
Support Staff:
Higher level Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Boddis and Mrs Thornton
Teaching Assistants and Support Assistants:
Mrs Bradley, Miss Chamberlain, Miss Marsh, Mrs Roper, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Squire, Mrs Wright, Mrs Edwards, Miss Mitchell, Mrs Bennett, Miss Khan, Miss Hoyle and Miss Filiz
School Business Manager:
Mrs Kaler
Miss Marsden and Ms Blackburn
Catering Manager:
Nicki Thompson
Site Manager & Site Team:
Tom Dowie and Anji Fairbank
Mrs Graham
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs Crowther
Vice Principals:
Mrs Ashton and Miss Whiteley
Assistant Principals:
Miss Bailes and Mrs Rothery
SENCO: Miss Wild
Correspondence to the SENCO should be sent
c/o the school address or email
Curriculum Co-ordinators
English: Mrs Rothery
Maths: Miss Bailes
Science: Mrs Emmerson
Art: Mrs Walker
Computing: Mrs Hanson
Design & Technology: Mrs Khan
Geography: Mrs Morgan
History: Mr Price
Modern Foreign Languages: Mrs Stewart
Music: Miss Sleight
Physical Education: Mrs Walsh and Mr O’Shea
PSHCE: Mrs Taylor
RE: Mrs Figura