Design and Technology

Curriculum Overview

At the Greetland Academy, Design and Technology is an engaging, creative and practical subject. The Greetland Curriculum offers pupils away to build and apply their imagination and technical knowledge by designing and making products within a variety of contexts. It draws on a broad range knowledge from across the subjects and has opportunities to apply other disciplines such as Mathematics, Science, Computing and Art in a meaningful way. Design and Technology is taught for 3 half terms of the year which is alternated with Art & Design.

The content of each unit is categorised into 5 areas:
Structures, Mechanisms, Textiles, Cooking and Nutrition
and Electrical Systems (This is taught only in KS2)

These core categories are taught discreetly and are revisited and built on overtime as children progress towards the end of Key Stage 2.

The units are centred on the ‘Design, Make, Evaluate’ cycle:

Design: Children explore, develop and share their ideas. Discuss and break down a design criteria or design brief and think about what they want to achieve and create. Plan and design based on testing, prototypes and applying their developing technical knowledge.
Make: Children build their design by making choices linked to materials, product function and final outcomes. Children revisit and refine their skills; measure, cut, join & assemble.
Evaluate: Children critically evaluate their product by questioning and testing. What makes their product successful and how could it be improved? This is an important step, children reflect and learn from the process.


PhunkyFoods is a programme to teach early years and primary children key healthy eating & physical activity messages through art, drama, music, play and hands-on food experience.

The PhunkyFoods Programme aims to help early years settings and primary schools to deliver a whole-settings approach to healthy lifestyles and to engage with all pupils, and their families, in promoting tangible health behaviour changes in a fun, lively and positive manner.

PhunkyFoods Mission
The PhunkyFoods mission is to improve the dietary and physical activity habits of young children (aged 2-11 years) across the UK by helping to create supportive learning environments for health in early years settings and primary schools. Rapid increases in childhood obesity prevalence means that we must help empower children, alongside their families and communities, to take control over their wellbeing to enable them to live longer, healthier and more fulfilled lives.
The PhunkyFoods Programme aims to help early years settings and primary schools to deliver a whole-school approach to healthy lifestyles and to engage with all pupils, and their families, in promoting tangible health behaviour changes in a fun, lively and positive manner.

PhunkyFoods Information for Parents

The Greetland Academy’s PhunkyFoods Engagement and Development Co-ordinator is Helena Glancey.

Our aims for our pupils

Click to enlarge our ‘successful pupil’ poster:

Our DT Curriculum

Click on the image below for our DT curriculum:

STEM Challenge – Christmas 2020

09/12/20 – See the challenge set for our pupils! Over the next two weeks, the children will use their maths, science and design technology skills to make Santa a replacement tree that will withstand anything the elf can throw at it!