
At The Greetland Academy we want all of our children to be successful mathematicians. We want the children to have a strong and secure mathematical knowledge that will give them the correct foundations for later life. We aim for all of our pupils to have a love of Maths. Our pupils should have a strong understanding of number and place value as this will support their learning and knowledge of all other areas of Maths. It will be this ability to apply their understanding to all areas of Maths that will enable our children to be effective and resilient problem solvers, recognising that there could be more than one way to solve a problem. Whilst reasoning and problem solving, we expect our children to be taught and use appropriate vocabulary to explain their thinking.

STEM Challenge – Christmas 2020

09/12/20 – See the challenge set for our pupils! Over the next two weeks, the children will use their maths, science and design technology skills to make Santa a replacement tree that will withstand anything the elf can throw at it!

Our Approach and Intent

Our aims for our pupils

Click to enlarge our ‘successful pupil’ poster: