Principal’s message
Firstly, a huge well done to all our Year 6 children who took their recent SATs tests in their stride. They are an AMAZING bunch of children who have made us all very proud. Our Year 2 children have also been taking their SATs tests and Mrs Emmerson and Mrs Bakes have been thrilled with how hard they have all tried. Next half term, our Year 4 children will do their national multiplication tables test and Year 1 will take their phonics tests and I know that they will all do us proud also.
To mark the end of the SATS, and to provide a stimulus for their literacy work, Year 6 visited Blackpool Zoo last week. The sun shone and lots of fun was had by all. As always, the children behaved impeccably and were a credit to the school.
This week has been ‘Health Week’ across the school. Our children got to take part in an ‘Around the World Dance Workshop’, children made healthy recipes, we had whole class workout sessions, parent and child fitness sessions and even a visit from Halifax Town. You will have seen on Seesaw that we are encouraging our children to send in healthy selfies over the half term break also.
I had the pleasure of afternoon tea recently with our crown designing competition winners. We were blown away by all the entries- you certainly are a creative bunch! To continue our Coronation celebrations, this afternoon we hold our Commonwealth Dance Performance on the KS1 field and are bringing together the whole school again like we did last year. You are all welcome to join us after school on the field for our summer fair. A huge thank you to FOGS for all their hard work in making it possible. We are all very excited to celebrate together as one big family. One polite reminder though, please walk to KS1 wherever possible and be mindful of the local residents. I believe the police will also be coming long to monitor the roads around school.
Myself and the governors have recently met with the leadership team of The Together Learning Trust, the trust who now sponsor our feeder school Brooksbank. They shared with us all the improvements they have put in place since their OFSTED inspection. They also shared that Mr Dave Hewitt is now the Executive Principal over both Ryburn and Brooksbank with a leadership team sitting across both schools also. We are pleased to invite any Key Stage Two parents to a ‘Meet the Feeder School’ session in our school hall at 6pm on 14th June. This will be an opportunity to hear about the changes to the school since their last Ofsted and to meet those in charge.
I am thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt Award in recognition of our outstanding provision for science.
Mrs Emmerson has worked so hard on creating a portfolio of evidence to put forward to the assessors and we are all thrilled with the outcome. Here is our feedback :
‘Well done. This is a comprehensive, well planned, and superbly presented portfolio and submission. It clearly reflects on and demonstrates the impact that PSQM GILT has had on all stakeholders in The Greetland Academy. It will be exciting to follow the journey of science provision as it continues to evolve beyond this year and becomes even stronger in the future. The children at The Greetland Academy are very privileged to have such hard working and reflective, conscientious staff who are always seeking the absolute best for the pupils. A very well deserved PSQM GILT through the hard work of the whole school.’
Finally I’m sure you will all join me in congratulating Miss Robertshaw who got married over the weekend- the sun was shining down on them! She will now be known as Mrs Taylor.
Wishing you all a relaxing (hopefully sunny) half term break and I look forward to seeing you all at the summer fair after school today at KS1.
Mrs Crowther