TGA Community Spirit Award
At The Greetland Academy we encourage our children to contribute to the wider community and are so proud when we hear of our children doing this.
In 2021 we started The Greetland Academy Community Spirit Award in response to how our children had found ways to help others during what had been very difficult times. Children who do amazing things to support out local or wider community will have their name engraved on our trophy forever.
See below to find out about our recipients.
If you would like to nominate one of our pupils to receive this award please email telling us why a particular pupil would deserve this.
August 2024 – Scott , Year 6
Scott set his sights on a challenge to raise money in memory of his brother, Jack. He set himself a summer holiday running challenge where he ran 50 miles and raised over £1000 for The Lily Foundation. This is a fantastic charity which helps families affected by Mito and hopefully one day find a cure.
What a superstar you are, Scott! We couldn’t be prouder!

July 2024 – Olivia , Year 4
Olivia has taken part in the Race For Life mud run! She raised £145 for cancer research and ran like a trooper, got caked in mud and even took a few tumbles but carried on!
We are all so proud of you, Olivia!

May 2024 – Florence , Year 3
This amazing young lady has had the chop to support the Little Princess Trust charity. So far she has raised over £500!
Florence, what an inspiration you are!

February 2024 – Bettie and Norah , Year 6 and Year 1
Bettie and Norah, as well as their older brother Reggie, have been part of a fostering family for around four years and we are so proud of how they’ve fully welcomed children and professionals into their home.
Their mum has said, “Fostering has been really positive in terms of all the amazing children they’ve had the joy of sharing our house with, the fun they’ve had and attachments created. But it’s also very difficult in terms of saying good bye. It’s a massive loss. The empathy, maturity and understanding displayed by both has blown me away. I think they both deserve recognition for this.”
We are so proud of them both!

May 2021 – Aimee, Year 5
The fabulous Aimee from 5A held a stall at the fair, selling her gorgeous, handmade jewellery & crafts. Aimee was very busy desiging and making her own selection of jewellery, friendship bracelets and resin key rings. She raised money for MENCAP and Shelter Box. Well done Aimee!
May 2021 – Annabelle, Year 6
On Saturday 22nd May, Annabelle abseiled from a 24m high, former railway bridge over a river! She did this to raise money for support dogs. One of Annabelle’s best friends is currently helping to train a support dog. In Annabelle’s own words, “Support dogs provide a really great service for people with autism, epilepsy and diabetes!”
She has so far raised over £130.
Well done for thinking of others and being so brave Annabelle!
May 2021 – Cody, Year 6
& Macy, Year 4
On Saturday 15th May, Cody and her sister Macy had their hair cut, a massive 11 inchs! They were inspired by other Community Spirit Award winners and donated their locks to the Little Princess Trust charity.
Now you have become an inspiration to others girls.
Well done!
May 2021 – Jonas, Year 6
Jonas, who has grown his hair for over three years has had it cut for the Little Princess Trust and fundraised at the same time for the Forget Me Not Hospice in Huddersfield. He has so far raised over £350!
Find out more in this Halifax Courier article about Jonas.
We couldn’t be prouder of this young man –
Well done Jonas!
November 2020 – Harriet and Phoebe Illingworth, Year 2 and Year 3
On the 10th of November the Illingworth family held a Macmillan ‘swop show’ event which raised over £3,000. The girls helped sort through 1000’s of clothes and set up the event at the Rose and Crown, then they counted the money. They even sorted and donated some of their own clothes. Harriet also went her Mum on some runs when she ran 100km for breast cancer in October, raising another £680!
Well done girls!

November 2020 – Kizzi, Year 3
Kizzi raised over £520 in November for The Royal British Legion!
Kizzi bought some gifts to do online social media raffles using money from her own money box. Having chosen the items to raffle she presented these events via live video feeds using a random number generator to announce the winners.
Wow! Great fundraising for a great cause Kizzi!
Summer 2020 – Jasmine, Year 3
During Lockdown 2020, Jasmine helped to raise £3,264 for NHS Charities by dancing during her mum’s Facebook Live Motown shows and helping to organise weekly family quiz nights. Hundreds of people tuned in each week from all over the world to watch the online shows and quiz nights. Jasmine lifted people’s spirits, especially those who were isolating and lived alone and brought happiness during a bleak period.
Well done to Jasmine for dancing and entertaining her way through the lockdown to achieve so much.
June 2020 – Ben, Year 3
In Ben’s own words, “I asked my mummy if I could do something to support Overgate. I like to go to the charity shop at the bottom of my road. When the shop closed due to coronavirus I was sad I couldn’t go anymore. I wanted to help the shop as they could not let people in to buy clothes or toys. So I decided the hardest thing for me would be to stop talking!”
Say no more Ben (!) you are a TGA Community Spirit Award winner!
Over £300 raised for Overgate, well done!
May 2020 – Emmie, Year 3
A Lockdown 1 hero who very much deserves to receive our award: over the May Bank Holiday in 2020, Emmie arranged a socially distanced bake sale for friends, family and neighbours.
She raised £290 for the NHS in the space of just 2 hours!
Well done for making time (and cakes) to help others Emmie!
May 2020 – Scarlett, Year 4
We couldn’t not remember and recognise Scarlett’s achievements during the first lockdown when she was in Year 4! She raised over £750 for Overgate Hospice by making and selling her ‘happy clouds’. She appeared on Look North and had one of her rainbow pictures displayed in the window at Downing Street!
Such an inspiration to us all.
Keep on making such a positive difference Scarlett!