Principal’s Message:


Three weeks down, and only 4 weeks to go!

This afternoon is our Year 6 parents’ showcase and boy are they in for a treat!

On Wednesday, we took our Reception children to Swithens Farm to extend their learning. It was a beautiful, sunny day and our children behaved impeccably (the manager told me they were the best children he had ever shown round). We got to feed the animals, ride on a tractor and play on the park- the perfect day and I know the children haven’t stopped talking about it!

The results are in- our Year 1 children recently took their phonics screening check and I am so proud to reports that 92% of them passed which is inline with our pre covid figures. The children have been working so hard on their reading and it certainly paid off. A special thanks to the parents who supported the children with practising at home. This firm foundation in early reading skills will help to ensure that every Greetland child is a reader.

Last week, three external moderators from the local authority came to look at our Year 6 writing and were blown away with the quality of work in the books. It is always lovely to have our own judgment externally verified and the moderators even took away some ideas for their own schools based on what they saw on our books!

This afternoon we will be holding the grand opening of our new, KS1 play are which was funded by local business Sheard Packaging.  I shared pictures on Facebook recently of the amazing transformation. The new area will enhance play, provide opportunities to be curious about the natural world in our bug hotel,  enable our children to grow vegetables and also has it’s own outdoor library to promote that love of reading!

On Monday, I will send out our proposed staffing line-up for next year. Our transition morning will be on 4th July when most of our Y6 children will be visiting their new high school. This will give your child the chance to meet their new teacher in the classroom where they will be based. For Year 2 children, we will keep them up at the KS2 site all day with their current teachers joining them for the afternoon.

A polite reminder about our uniform policy. We have seen most children coming into school int eh correct uniform this week but we do still have some children not wearing the correct PE kit. Our uniform policy can be found here:

Wishing you all a lovely weekend- next week is our Diversity Week with Friday being a non-uniform day where children can dress to express themselves.


Mrs Crowther