Principal’s Message

Another busy couple of weeks have gone by.

Whilst restrictions have now been lifted, we are not yet seeing a settling down of positive cases at school. Since returning from the half term break we have had an outbreak in Year 5 and several members of staff testing positive. I will continue to inform families when there is a positive case in the same class as their child to enable everyone to be extra vigilant to symptoms and to also protect vulnerable family members. As always, if you need to inform us of a positive case, please use our special email:


The lifting of restrictions has meant that we have been able to invite parents in to our school building for the first time in what has felt like an age. Last week our Year 3 parents came to spend the afternoon in class with their children and joining in with the learning. The children, staff and parents all thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity.

We will be holding face to face parents’ evenings on the 5th and 6th of April after school. A letter has been sent out with the link to book an appointment.

Our Year 4 children had a wonderful time on their residential to Nell Bank last Thursday. Despite the damp and dreary weather, their spirits were not dampened. It was so wonderful to see so many happy, smiling children.

On Saturday, Miss Wild, Mrs Walsh and myself attended the Yorkshire School Acrobatics Championships in Barnsley with our gymnastics team, It was such a prestigious event and our children were simply amazing. We have several children who have now qualified for the national championships later in the year.

Our sporting success continued this week with us taking 27 children to the West Yorkshire Cross Country Finals. I was so proud of every child who took part and I’m pleased to share that our Y5 girls came third in West Yorkshire as a team and our Year 4 boys came first (giving us another trophy to add to our collection)! Congratulations also to Finlay Parker (Y4) who came third out of 100 boys in his category and to Poppy Jowett (Y6), who has qualified for the Nationals later this year.

This week we have had a film crew in school! Teach First is an organisation who provided teacher training to graduates. In recognition of our English Hub status and recent Ofsted result, we were asked to provide videoed content of ‘excellent phonics teaching’ to be used on their training programme for new teachers.

On Monday 21st March, we are taking our Year 6 dance team to the regional finals of the Great Primary Dance Off at the Victoria Theatre- good luck to all involved.

Next Friday, Comic relief day, will be the opportunity for your child to soak their teacher after school for a small contribution to the charity. All the teachers were thrilled when I suggested raising money this way as you can imagine 😊


Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Crowther