Principal’s Message


I can’t believe we have already been back for two whole weeks!

By now, KS2 children who have a signed library membership agreement will have brought home their first , brand-new library book. The choice in our new library is simply amazing and I love seeing how excited the children are to get reading. This of course would not be possible without the generous donation we received from FOGS which in turn is a result of the support of our whole school community- thank you so much!

We feel it is so important that our children contribute to the running of the school and so our student leadership roles have now been decided for the year. Across the school we have the following: School Councillors, Reading Ambassadors, Arts Ambassadors, Anti-bullying Ambassadors, Well-being Ambassadors, Tidy Classroom Champions, Eco Monitors, Computing Ambassadors, Playleaders and Friendship Ambassadors. Our Year 6 children have been given the opportunity to apply to have senior leadership roles and congratulations to the successful candidates who are now our Head of Reading, Personal Development, Computing, Art, Operations, Sport and our new Chair of the School Council.

We have had our first year group showcases of the year. Both Year 1 and Year 6 welcomed parents and other loved ones into their classrooms to take part in the learning whilst also watching a showcase assembly of previous learning. Thank you to all those who came to what was such a successful event. We can’t wait for the next one! The dates for each year group should’ve been shared with you already.

Yesterday we had an extended ‘Be Internet legends’ assembly where the KS2 children learnt all about how to stay safe online which is so important in today’s society. Our children took part in a fun, interactive learning journey where they had a set of tasks to solve a media literacy mystery. There was even teacher participation! Thank you to Mrs Morgan for arranging this for our children.

You may have seen through Facebook that Mr O’Shea managed to secure some free tickets to the England Women’s Rugby League match on Thursday and some lucky Year 6 children went along to support the Lionesses and even met some of the players! I’m also pleased and proud to announce that the Vice Principal from Marsden Juniors ,who are joining our Trust at Christmas, was at the match to receive her England cap for playing for the Lionesses in the 90s. She will be visiting our school in a couple of weeks and has promised to bring her cap in to show the children.

Next week is Anti-bullying Week which will start with Odd Socks Day on Monday where Mrs Graham will also do an assembly at both sites. On Tuesday the children will discuss the question: How can we reach out to others? Wednesday will see every child create an

‘I am unique’ hand print to show and celebrate their individuality. These will then be displayed in school. On the Thursday, there will be a special visitor to every class but I don’t want to ruin the surprise so watch out for photos on Seesaw. The week will end with our Children in Need celebrations.  This year’s theme is ‘Spotacular!’ We will be holding a ‘spot themed’ non-uniform day to support the fund-raising appeal. Suggestions for outfits could be polka dot clothing, face paints or any non-uniform outfit – even if it’s not spots! Please don’t feel like you have to buy anything new for this day.

Donations can be made to Children in Need through the following JustGiving page. We won’t be accepting cash on the day. This is not an expectation as we understand that things are hard for all at the moment.

Before I sign off, I’d just like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who helped out with our Halloween Disco before the holidays. Without all these volunteers, we would not be able to have such a successful event. The children and staff all loved it. FOGS have shared information through their social media about their Wreath Making Workshop so have a look out for that.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend- and don’t forget those odd socks on Monday!

Mrs Crowther