Hasn’t it been lovely to finally have some nice weather! We have certainly been making the most of it at school with the children managing to get out onto out fields for outdoor play.

I know many people may be disappointed by the government announcement that the final stage of the road map is delayed until 19th July. As it stands, all our protective measures remain in place at school and as the 19th July is the start of the final week of term for us, I don’t envisage these arrangements changing before we break up in order to minimise contact across the school before the summer holidays.  We do hope to return to ‘normality’ as of September. Public Health Calderdale are very concerned about the increasing rate in our area at the moment and we have started to see a rise in more positive cases within our community. We are proud as a school of how well we have done in keeping everyone safe (with your support) and just need to make this last final push to get us through to the summer holidays.

There will be lots of communication coming out in the next couple of weeks about arrangements for next year including reviewed Breakfast Club charges, arrangements for pick up and drop off in September, transition for Y2 and the new staffing line up. We will post all these letters on Seesaw but also email them out and put them on the website so please do keep an eye out for these.

We need your help: under current arrangements, the children attend school in their PE kits on the day they have PE. Since doing this, we have found that we have far less lost property and most importantly the children are getting longer PE sessions. If we were to keep this arrangement in September, the children would have 2 PE sessions a week and would therefore come in their school PE kit for 2 days out of the 5. We have set up a very short google form to gauge how parents would feel about this arrangement. Please could I ask you to click on this link to let us know your feelings: we will then make a decision based on the feedback. Please note that the children will need to be in proper school PE kit and not football kits, coloured trainers etc. We have spoken to our uniform provider and are pleased to say that we would be able to offer a Greetland hoodie as part of our PE uniform from next year.

Link: https://forms.gle/9p39GnbXyCpUFRYB8

Some of you may have heard that we had a new arrival in Y5- 10 little chicks! The children have loved watching them hatch and caring for them and thanks to the wonders of modern technology our ‘chick-cam’ has meant that all the children across the school have had the chance to see them- they even attended celebration assembly last week!

I would like to say a huge well done to our Y4 children who all took part in the National Multiplication Tables Check this week. Whilst these results will not be published this year due to the lockdown after Christmas, we knew how hard our children had worked on this area of maths and so wanted to give them the chance to show off! They did not disappoint, and all did so well.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will have a particular PSHE focus both in assembly time and afternoon lessons covering a number of upcoming celebrations day:  RSE Day; One Britain, One Nation Day and Picture News Day. We want all our pupils to have the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, to manage their lives, now and in the future – our PSHE curriculum does just that! Look out for photos of activities shared with you via Seesaw.

Have a lovely weekend – fingers crossed that the rain stays away!

Mrs Crowther